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Winner of the 2012 Stanford White Awards for Excellence in Classical and Traditional Design, Drumlin Hall in Duchess County New York is a masterful architectural work by Peter Pennoyer. 


The delicate and subtle tones of the Silk Road Sandstone provide volume and intricate detail to this special home. Its varying tones relax the eye and create a warm welcome for Drumlin Hall’s guests.


Sitting on a base of Golden Dune Granite, the home is protected from winter snow and ice. The granite base also provides a suitable pedestal, uplifting the home to the prominence it deserves, to be viewed and admired from the valley below. Drumlin Hall really is one of a kind.

Project Materials

Project Principals




As you'd expect in a natural product, stone does vary in colour and texture, even in the same quarry block. That's what makes stone so unique.
We recommend using the images on our website to initially chose the colour, texture and look you prefer, then talk to us to see our current samples. Mockups are also a great option before making your final decision. We strive to provide a product of the highest quality, but please remember it's stone, not paint. The colour and texture of the next layer in the quarry was defined millions of years ago.

18255 Segale Park Drive B

Suite O28

Tukwila, WA 98188


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Building 5, 650 Church Street

Cremorne VIC 3121

1300 856 222

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Room 1023

Buynow Technology Building

No. 76 Hubin Nan Lu

Xiamen 361004

Fujian, China 

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